
good cheer中文什么意思

发音:   用"good cheer"造句
  • 1.作乐,闹饮。
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Qiao was full of good cheer .
  2. Wherefore, oh judges, be good cheer about death, and know of a certainty, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death .
  3. Be of good cheer , richard ; step out - that s it
    理查德,振作起来,往前跨对啦! ”
  4. The hostess bade us to make good cheer
  5. Then were they all of good cheer , and they also took some meat
    徒27 : 36于是他们都放下心、也就吃了。


        good:    adj. (better; best ) (opp. b ...
        cheer:    n. 1.欢呼,喝彩;鼓励。 2.心情。 3.兴致勃勃, ...
        be of good cheer:    高兴, 勇敢
        with good cheer:    欣然地
        make good cheer:    饮酒做乐, 欢宴
        season of good cheer:    快乐欢宴的节期
        christmas is here, bringing good cheer:    圣诞节是这里带来好心情
        one seems to hear words of good cheer:    似乎听到了一个好词助威
        cheer:    n. 1.欢呼,喝彩;鼓励。 2.心情。 3.兴致勃勃,愉快。 4.款待;丰盛的菜肴[食品],好菜。 5.〔古语〕表情。 What cheer? 你好吧? Be of good cheer! 加油!鼓(起)劲儿(来)! The fewer the better cheer. 人少些,吃得多些。 words of cheer鼓励话。 cheer leader〔美国〕啦啦队队长。 enjoy good cheer享受盛宴。 give three cheers for 欢呼三声〔三呼 Hip, hip, hurrah!〕。 make good cheer 欢乐,笑笑闹闹;〔古语〕欢宴。 with good cheer 高高兴兴地,乐意地。 vt. 1.使振奋,使喜欢,使快慰,安慰。 2.对…欢呼;为…喝彩;(以欢呼声)鼓舞,奖励。 cheer them (on) to victory 声援他们取得胜利。 the cups that cheer (but not inebriate) 使人提神而不醉的饮料〔指茶〕。 vi. 1.欢喜,高兴,快活。 2.欢呼,喝彩。 C- up! 鼓起劲儿来!别灰心! cheer to the echo 欢声雷动。 cheer up at (the news) 听见(消息)兴奋起来。
        cheer for:    给加油
        cheer on:    为某人打气; 向…欢呼;鼓励;声援
        bronx cheer:    〔美口〕(表示嘲笑厌恶等的)嘘嘘声。
        cheer and bright:    清楚明了
        cheer and celebrate, to:    欢呼及庆祝
        cheer blatantly:    叫好打气
        cheer chan:    陈绮贞
        cheer chen:    陈绮贞
        cheer heartily:    尽情欢呼; 纵情欢呼
        cheer in chorus:    齐声喝彩
        cheer in unison:    齐声欢呼
        cheer leader:    啦啦队长; 啦啦队队长
        cheer pheasant:    彩雉
        cheer sb on:    以欢呼激励某人
        cheer team:    拉拉队; 啦啦队; 两个女同学的故事队
        cheer their accomplishments:    为他们的成功而欢呼


        good cheerとは意味:元気{げんき}、上機嫌{じょうきげん} Cards arrive with message of peace and good cheer. カードは平和と元気のメッセージとともに到着する。
        good cheer artinya:gembira
        good cheer 뜻:phrase, 즐거운 잔치, 진수성찬


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